Pineview may not be producing the perch that I am used to catching but the small to medium sized crappie are really hitting if you get there at the right time. I have not done the evening/night time fishing that others have been doing so well with but I have done the early morning catching and it has been a lot of fast action! The bite seems to just shut off around 8:15-8:45 a.m. I feel bad for these people coming on while I am leaving! 40-45 FOW, fish at 40-42 feet down (2-3 cranks off the bottom). Waxie on a hali and watch the action. I've gotta try the evening bite some time, I have just froze for nothing in the past when fishing at night. Though I'd rather fillet perch, you just can't beat that nice, white, flaky meat on a crappie!
Thanks for the report, how early are you getting there? Do you think a perch hali would work?
I've been up fishing some mornings by 630 am and that has been enough time to catch a limit. He's right though. They get lock jaw around 8-830
I am not sure of the color pattern of a perch hali. I find that the green, yellowish and those combinations have worked better than the red, blue and some others I have tried. I prefer the mid weight size, it puts just the right amount of bend in my noodle rods that I can detect a downward or upward bite; the small were just too light, the large too heavy. I think the main thing is the dangling chain; that has been magical in my opinion. I am still debating if the replacement hooks with the small colored blob are better than the standard hooks, they do make it easier to remove the hook from the fish.
Good luck!
There are various patterns but here is the one I was talking about. I know it works on perch, just wasn't sure if it would work on crappie[:/].