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Full Version: Quichapa Lake
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Has anyone fished this lake? Located a few miles outside of Cedar City. I found a site that shows it has all kinds of fish in it but I can't find any other info about it anywhere. Looks like a decent sized lake.
Never heard of it.
Hahahaha, oh boy. Don't waste your time. The thing is a mud flat where the deepest is about 3 feet.

Source: I've walked across the entire lake (if you want to call it that) in waders chasing after a wounded duck.
[quote Hallsy86]Has anyone fished this lake? I found a site that shows it has all kinds of fish in it but I can't find any other info about it anywhere. Looks like a decent sized lake.[/quote]

I'm curious what site is giving information on it? I don't think I'd use that site for valid information any longer!

Or, rather, how 'bout Rush Lake? What's it say about Rush?

Quichapa is the bottom of the valley west of Cedar City. During some portions of the year, Coal Creek ends up in Quichapa. During years of good snowpack, there might be water in the lake. There are many years that there is no water at all, and it's just a dry lake bed.

It last filled in ~2005, when we had really high snowpack. It's had some water ever since then, but continues to get lower and lower. Maybe this year it will come up a bit?

No fish in it. Just frogs and salamanders. And ducks.