Hey guys. Just looking for a recent update on the ice at Bear Lake. It sounds like things are changing pretty rapidly up there and this weekend is the first weekend I am able to go. Planning on heading up Friday night or early Saturday. Any updates would be awesome. Thank you!
According to this it is still ok. I was there Monday and it rained all day and melted the couple inches of snow that was on it and left a half inch or so of water but the ice was good underneath. I think this weekend will be ok.
Latest update from Darin @ pugstones
February 19th, 2016
Big opening from Marina towards my shop. If the wind doesn't pick up it may be ok for the weekend, however it isn't a good sign. Those strong winds yesterday did it in. I just went down to the Marina and seen some anglers that crossed over a 3'+- opening to get out on the ice fishing area. I say DON'T DO THAT! Reason is if the wind picks up or even if it doesn't you might not get back in because it will be shifted by current or by wind. Use precaution and if you do decide to go across something like this don't be pitching a tent up because if you can't see what is going on you may be on that island floating on the lake longer than you really want to be. I will post the picture on my FACEBOOK page as well.
About 15+ years ago we had to push out a drift boat to help some anglers get off of the lake from something just like this so I do understand what can and what will happen. Just hope that the current/wind will pull the ice back together instead of separating it even further apart.
Best of luck to all of you anglers!