02-27-2016, 10:00 AM
Had a few hours this afternoon so headed to the ramp when the sun popped out about noon. Had a flat that was adjacent to some deep water that had fish on it last week. Seeing the water had dropped a bunch, backed off & started throwing a crank in 6-8' off the flat. 1st bite just mushed on it, pulled back & the rod doubled up with a couple of hard surges. Thought I had a cat as the fish never surfaced, just dogged for the bottom & then ran across the front of the boat. Finally saw the shape & knew it was no cat. She got half out of the water twice at the boat, but she'd choked the crankbait. Lipped her & got the scales, went 9.75#. Needed one more gizzard shad like the one she had in her gullet & she'd made 10! Missed another hit off the same flat, then caught a 4.5 & a 2.5 on another flat. Came on in at 4:30. Not many bites, but man, the quality was there!