02-27-2016, 10:00 AM
Decided after yesterdays oversleeping we would get out this morning and see if would could get anything to work. Once we left the dock decided to try some new stuff and just idled ar9und watching the sidescan and sonar. After a little while came up with a game plan and it seemed to have worked pretty good. First fish, Earl thought he was stuck is a small patch of grass and boy was he wrong. Once he and I realized he wasnt it was to late and the boil this fish made on top of the water was like someone had threw a truck tire in the water. Im telling you this fish was a giant. Shortly after he sets the hook again and begins to tell me he thought it might be a keeper, again, very wrong. It was another giant. I hurry to get the net and she weighed in at 9.90 lbs. Then finally it was my turn and I boat one at 5 1/2 lbs. Shortly after we put another 3 1/2 in the boat. Then another 3 1/2 in the boat. A little while later I load up on a good one and was not stationed right to get a good hookset and the fish comes to the top and look to be in the 5-6 lb class and comes unbuttoned. A little while later we put a 2 1/2 in the boat. Decided we would try a small area. It had not been 5 minutes since I told Earl I felt like there was a big one here and one loads up on his rod. He says its a good one and I looked back to see him dogging towards the boat. I grabbed the net to get ready and the fish just comes off. I caught one small one after that and we headed in. Our best 5 was just shy of 25 lbs. But if we could have boated the three we lost we could have easily had between 32 and 35 lbs. Over all an amazing day on the water