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Full Version: Ririe boat ramp
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Bob, the camp host, says they are going to pull the floating dock tomorrow. I fished it today and the was seven inches of ice, so still good for a while. The only place you will be able to get on the ice is at the boat dock by the the office.

Guess the ice season for Ririe is drawing to the end. Been a good year overall. Hope the fish grow a little for the summer season.
Visited the lake yesterday. The north boat dock is inaccessible and the shore line is not safe. Ice fishing season on Ririe is over.

Hope the warm weather continues to melt the ice and we can get on with the boats. The early spring kokanee fishing is usually rather slow though. The third year class may have some time to grow.

Life is short fish hard.
i[:/][fishon][fishon]t was a great season!!! getting to meet old friends i haven't seen in a few years was worth it all . the koke and perch fishing was great just being on the ice was worth still smiling