I tie streamers and nymphs but not dries. I have decided to tie some tan caddis and other colors. I need recommendations for type of hooks, body material and especially hackle. All the hackle I have seen online is very expensive. Also, can I use deer hair as an alternative to elk hair? I realize youtube has many videos but I would like some Utah experienced tyers to chime in.
I'm a big fan of the x-caddis pattern. Has been a killer over the years. This video will give you a good base to build from if you want to change the color up or anything. If you don't want the tailing section just leave it off and you basically have a plain old caddis. Give this fly a tie and let me know what you think. Like I said, the x-caddis has done me good on the provo and weber, and even on the Snake up in Idaho for that matter.
[url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIhUX03ay5U"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIhUX03ay5U[/url]
I like the good ol' Elk Hair caddis. Tie the body in yellow, tan. brown, black and Gray. Simple tie. Different sizes. Flat out works.
Elk hair is more hollow then deer so much more buoyant, but I have used deer. Just carry some floatant with you.
Also check out the CDC and Elk (I tie mine with deer not elk). It fishes great and is super easy to tie also it doesn't use hackle. The only problem is you can't use all floatants on CDC flies.
As far as hooks go I usually tie with hooks from Allen Fly Fishing. Great quality and great prices. The D101 is a really good dry fly hook.
I've had success on the Lower Provo with Elk Hair caddis tied with black and tan bodies, size 16. I use actual Elk Hair, it was about $5 for a big old patch that will last years at Sportsman's Warehouse in Provo IIRC.
I just used some standard rooster neck hackle in beaver color; worked fine and wasn't really expensive. I like the 1x Mustad hooks (also from Sportsman's) in size 16, but I want to try 18 and 20 as well.