Fishing Forum

Full Version: Smalliefan2, Nickajack, Bass, 03/08/16, alone
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Went back to Nick today, put in at Sullivan's. Returned to the area we fished Saturday. One little peck. Today the current and wind were the same direction, pushing the boat into the areas I wanted to fish. Went upstream to a couple of soughs, caught one short, in 3 fow. Headed upriver, about a mile past Cummings Lake, and pitched a square bill at the shore on the main river. Caught a 2.5-3, a solid 3, and one descent bass, was 18.5-19" on the bump board, maybe 3.5-4 #. It ran under the boat, around the trolling motor, and stayed down, thought it was a drum. All were inside the current break along the shore, 3-7 fow. The boat was anywhere from 4 to 15 fow.<br />54 in the river, 58 in the back of the soughs. The lake came up during the day, the old dock was out of the water when I launched, and was touching when I returned. <br /><br />The dock at Sullivan's is being repaired. It was out of the water, with new floats. The frame for a new deck was in place.