03-10-2016, 10:00 AM
Went back to Nick today, put in at Sullivan&#39;s. Returned to the area we fished Saturday. One little peck. Today the current and wind were the same direction, pushing the boat into the areas I wanted to fish. Went upstream to a couple of soughs, caught one short, in 3 fow. Headed upriver, about a mile past Cummings Lake, and pitched a square bill at the shore on the main river. Caught a 2.5-3, a solid 3, and one descent bass, was 18.5-19&quot; on the bump board, maybe 3.5-4 #. It ran under the boat, around the trolling motor, and stayed down, thought it was a drum. All were inside the current break along the shore, 3-7 fow. The boat was anywhere from 4 to 15 fow.<br />54 in the river, 58 in the back of the soughs. The lake came up during the day, the old dock was out of the water when I launched, and was touching when I returned. <br /><br />The dock at Sullivan&#39;s is being repaired. It was out of the water, with new floats. The frame for a new deck was in place.