03-11-2016, 10:00 AM
I and my boat have not been out since October of last year. I sold my house, moved to a temp residence, have been building a new home, AND had shoulder surgery in that time. I am still in the temp residence on a friend&#39;s farm and the house will still take another 7 (&#43;/-) weeks to finish, but the surgery has pretty much healed and it&#39;s time again to find my way to the river.<br /><br />What a beautiful day! Even the wind was being cooperative for a March morning. I had winterized the boat since I knew that it would be the first time that it would sit for very long, including using Berryman&#39;s B12 and Sta-bil in a full fuel tank and running it for about 30 minutes on the river to make sure it was properly dispersed. It worked! The motor cranked normally and fired up right away. I was amazed! It immediately came to mind that Spurhunter must have been out of the state at the moment for things to go this well.<br /><br />Only one other boat was at the super-secret fishing hole, and they were apparently struggling - I never saw them catch any. I rigged up a 6 pound test rig and started my drifts using cut skipjack. I found the fish tightly oriented to two small areas and managed to boat about a dozen fish in a couple of hours.<br /><br />Of course, being aware of the possible strain on my newly repaired shoulder, I carefully avoided any possibility of hurting myself by catching only 12 pound or smaller fish. I amaze myself in my ability to avoid big fish. Quite a talent! emoBig
<br /><br />Great day and super to be back at it. Here I am - older, fatter, and balder than last year: