Anyone else pretty ticked off to see the licensing of in flatables with motors darn near doubled in Utah this year.
This is bogus. It went from $37 to $53!!!! BABY STEPS UTAH!!! Might not be too bad if you have one boat, but I have several and EACH has to be licensed separately.
I protest this move. $5 jump would have made way more sense.
We are talking small electric motors here. You can stop them with your hand!
[#0000FF]The lower fee was bad enough. But then they hit all registered boaters with another $15 to help finance their increased mussel inspections and spraying. I don't ever fish in infected waters so I am just helping pay for all the wakeboarding noisemakers who hit Powell and then drop in to Deer Creek to "spread the wealth".
Think of it as a "Trump Tax".
Not Trump tax, more Herbert . Like them cutting down all the in town roads from two each direction to one for bicycles although the cars pay for it, and bicycling is limited to weather. Messed up.
Speaking of invasive species, shouldn't we be looking for a way to eradicate them, as it seems like only a matter of time before they spread?
"Speaking of invasive species, shouldn't we be looking for a way to eradicate them, as it seems like only a matter of time before they spread."
[#0000FF]You politicians?
Problem with quagga mussels is that once they get in a waterway it is virtually impossible to either control them or eradicate them. Lots of eastern lakes have tried. And the lakes along the Colorado River system too. They spawn continuously and take hold on any wet surface. STD of the sea.
But the extra dollars on our license fee is to help pay for the extra checking on non-infected waters, and to pay for decontamination on craft leaving waters that already have them. That is expensive. Especially if you are not likely to be a part of the tubers and tooners.
Interesting to note that non motor equipped flotation devices pay no fee. It must be that they are not capable of spreading mussels [

Oh well...
No, it just means US that do use motors are paying for ours and theirs.
Has anyone had a toon or tube disinfected? I worry about how the hot water would be on the tubes.
I am sure most our boats could take it but I avoid it at all cost. I've done my own so far. Great question.
[#0000FF]I have not had any of my craft formally deconned at a DWR location. But I took an older spare Fat Cat to a friend who has a power washer with the 160 degree water. Hosed down the tube, a pair of fins and some waders. No problem with any of them.
Strangely, at Deer Creek Reservoir here in Utah the DWR is pretty much leaving the decon to tuber snd tooners...not seemingly worried about them as possible mussel carriers. Their big concern is with wave runner boats and others with leftover water in their ballast tanks, live wells, etc.
Sounds like Idaho is getting serious. Next thing ya know they will be spraying down the ducks and other water birds. Ya think?
Idaho is getting tough. They are making some lakes off limits to boats and changing the places they are checking.
I think they would like to put an end to the pelicans coming up from Utah.
[#0000FF]Maybe we can make a deal. We will stop sending Pelicans if Idaho will stop sending Cormorants back down here.
Or, we can just get Trump to build a wall.
This is why I strongly considered saving for a Hobie PA14 kayak for this very reason. I still cannot cover as much water but I just have to fish smarter. I still think having to register any small inflatable that has an electric motor is outrageous. Our craft should have their own classification if you must charge a registration fee. It should be like 15.00 period for all inflatable/Kayak's that have either an electric motor or sail.
Those are cool boats IF you can make them go backwards, however I would see them as more a target to get the spray washing being an actual boat.
Transporting is another consideration.
I do applaud any effort to KEEP mussels from new waters. Let's hope it is enough. Maybe someone can come up with a cure....I know, not likely.
Yea not being able to back up unless you paddle is an issue, and they are also heavy, but I think they are the premium of kayaks.