03-19-2016, 09:00 AM
Chris Campbell has been pondering a trip with me a long time. He finally made to the Scenic City with his two boys, Cody &amp; Justin. We were worried we might get stormed out Monday, but we were lucky, sort of. The storms didn&#39;t run us off the water, but it poured BUCKETS! <br /><br />The Campbells weren&#39;t greatly equipped for monsoon rain, but they are soldiers. I waited and waited, expecting someone to cry, &quot;Uncle.&quot; They never did... this, in spite of the fact that I took them on a four-hour snipe hunt. Several of my big fish sweet spots failed miserably. <br /><br />Finally I gave up on the big fish anchor bite and we headed upstream to hit my light tackle pattern where I felt we could at least put a few &quot;eater&quot; cats in the boat.<br /><br />Lo and behold, on the first drift Chris does battle with a kick-a$$ 30-pounder, his personal best ever catfish. Whoop! Whoop! <br /><br /><br />But on the other hand, it made me real mad for wasting four hours on a dead pattern. But, we sort of made up for lost time. Besides the TARP 30-pounder, Chris and the boys boated a couple of 15&#39;s, two 13&#39;s and a whole bunch of 5-10 lb. &quot;eaters.&quot;<br /><br /><br />They had several doubles. They went home with a hefty cooler full of catfish. That means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day!<br /><br />