Here's one to start my season. It took well into September to replace the last one this size last year so I thought I'd better enter it. Sorry about the name, I couldn't find my marker until after the trip. I have fixed it for the next trip[
Utah Lake
24.5 inches
[#00bf00]Verified at 24.5", very nice bump board.... J[/#00bf00]
Utah Lake
Channel Cat 26"
May 14, 2016
little by little[
[#00bf00]Sorry Pisco I can only give you 25.5 points, it doesn't cross the line and we round down, but nice fish anyway I'd like to add one that size to mine... Good job... Later J[/#00bf00]
Here's on to fill my third slot. The picture isn't the greatest, but let me know if it is good enough. I have to re-learn to take them at night and with the water/weather so warm, they won't hold still!
Utah Lake
[#80ff00]Good for 24.5 points.... The glare on the label was hard to read, but we'll let this one go... Nice job... J[/#80ff00]
Here's a little bump from the holiday weekend. Lots of fish but the big ones seem farther between than last year. Loads of fun though!
Utah Lake
26.5 inches
[#00ff00]Congrats and good for 26.5 points... Moving on up with the posse'[/#00ff00]
Made a last minute decision to visit Utah Pond and it paid off. My best this year. Had another one about 26, but it is tough to paddle in to shore for a measurement for a maybe.
Utah Lake
28 inches
[#80ff00]Hey Pisco nice fish, got you at 28 points... Good job... J[/#80ff00]