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Full Version: Where is Gem Lake in eastern Idaho?
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Where is it??
ron its just befoe you get to idaho falls where the army store is and the truck stops are take that exit. go east maybe two miles and you will cross it. just a wide spot in the snake. to get there take the last road before the bridge on the west side of the river and turn south. it will take you to the parking lot.
Thanks! Where do you launch a boat there?
boat dock is by the parking area,
You can also access the reservoir at gem lake marina.
As you are coming into Idaho Falls on the old Yellowstone highway you will pass town and country gardens the old cemetery, the road to the marina runs along the south side of the marina just watch for the sign.

That is also the much talked about area where Doyle Beck has created so much controversy.
The directions are spot on. If you are passing the cemetery though you e gone too far north. Best fishing though is in the hot zone in the gem lake harbor north of the marina. But as was pointed out thanks to Beck you aren't allowed to fish it. I can't even get F&G or the AG office or anyone else to respond to my emails anymore on that one.
Also if you want company if you try it out let me know when you'll be around. Always nice to meet some fellow BFTers
This access issue is one of the major reasons I am so adamantly opposed to the state taking ownership of federal lands. The state would need lots of money to manage those lands. Selling or leasing it would be an easy way to get those dollars. I certainly can't compete with big money. Supporting candidates who want to give federal lands to the state could mean an end of access to both hunting and fishing areas we have enjoyed for years. I understand the dislike for some of the federal policies. However, this access issue shows the state will not necessarily support general public use of resources.
Gem Lake got 349 sturgeon last year. [Wink]
Ron, I have seen sturgeon up to four feet long caught in that stretch last fall. One gentleman told me he got one 52 inches, not those monsters that you get over your way but there is great potential.
[quote idahoron]Gem Lake got 349 sturgeon last year. [Wink][/quote]

It's still going to be a while for fish of any size but they are growing! They were pretty small when they went in. [Image: happy.gif]
Fall before last I watched four fish removed out of lava hole that they had been stranded in that ranged from 30 inches to 40 inches, I even took pictures and posted which started a firestorm of upset because guys removed without proper authority. Now when gates are shut off the city has F&G standing on hand to go down and remove fish themselves. Obviously those fish have been in the river a whole lot longer to get to that size. I wonder how long.
I believe those fish were planted 5 years ago but have a great food source. The fish up at John Hole have done well too!
was at hunters ed with my son, The F&G officer that was there to go over the regs with the kids told me that they were going to plant 700 next month.
have caught a bunch in the 3 foot range below the dam upriver from gem lake. Can't wait until they grow another 3 feet.