To any one out there that has had experience with set up I ws wondering if you all would not mind posting a few pics so I can see who you mounted your sonar and rod holders. I had a few ideas about using the foot bar, but the reach it after I had to slide my seat back was a little further then I expected. Just looking for a few ideas to get the old brain a working.
[#0000FF]Closest I can come is [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"]PIMPIN A RENEGADE[/url]. But the Renegade is larger, with more D rings. So it might take some creativity on the Escape.
The offer still stands to have you bring it by and I can see the actual size and configuration. That would help a lot. Then I can make suggestions or help you put something together.
I will shoot you a PM. I am kinda thinking alot on the same lines as you did.
Thanks TD
[#0000FF]I was thinking strongly about an Escape too, but not wild about the small battery space. I have really come to rely a lot on the motor and I need to carry my series 27. Into hands free fishing so seldom if ever use the oars.
If we can put our heads together maybe we can some up with something that will be good for both of us.
And even if we dont come up with anything it will still be a good time.
I don't have an Escape but I do have the Predator. We made a universal sonar holder, but we used RAMP mounts. Went to Kirkhams and got nylon strap and clips.
Just strap it on outta the way.
What is the sonar mounted to? What is the black plate?
A flexible CUTTING BOARD. You can get them anywhere.
Here are some more shots. Again I used a RAM mount, there are less expensive ways.
![[Image: IMG_0748_zps95df0cfd.jpg]](
The Nylon strap protects the toon from the screws.
![[Image: IMG_0747_zpsc5e88145.jpg]](
The RAM mount
![[Image: 034_zps03195bc5.jpg]](