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Full Version: Gorge Derby
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Are many of you going to the Flaming Gorge Derby May 14th and 15th? It would be fun to get together at Browning Café Saturday after fishing.

Heck yeah. I am. I will be staying on a beach some where in Wyoming though. Can't wait.
At least we can wave while fishing...[laugh]
I'll be there with Hand in Hand Outsoors and The American Heroes Project boats. Make sure you say hello to the Vets and Volunteers!
Is it filled up yet? Usually it's filled up right after the end of the derby. Kind of a closed "club" now. if I could get in I would kill it on the 'bows.[Smile]
I am pretty positive you can still get in. Has not sold out completely for the last several years.
I registered a month ago and was only #169 of a maximum 400 boats.
Hey Bob, what part of the lake are you planning on spending most of your time. I will be all in Wyoming during the 2 days of derby fishing. I may head south and fish big fish a morning or 2 during the pre-fish days.