So I am wanting to try to catch catfish in the Snake, in addition to finding sturgeon in the Snake. I know I can find some cats in Mexican Cove on American Falls reservoir, but was wanting some info on cats in the river.
Milner is as far upstream I know of channel cat have been planted, but they sure are sneaky little bastards and our local rednecks have been busy with their buckets.
The catfish in AF are probably from McTucker Ponds. Every 3 or 4 years it seems like the river floods the ponds and sweeps all the fish out and into AF. Lots off catfish that have been stocked in McTucker ponds are now stocked in AF. [

I might have to try McTucker, I have been hearing more and more and cats there
I got my first river large mouth from around mctucker
In the river, or in one of the ponds?
Here is some historical info on cats in the SE Region above AF Reservoir. Blue Catfish were planted in the Portneuf River between Inkom and Pocatello in August of 1985 and 1986, close to 35,000 fish. I've never heard of any being caught, perhaps someones' secret. Channel Cats have been planted in the McTucker Ponds in 86,88,93, and every year since 2004. As was stated before many of these have ended up in the Reservoir. They also planted Channel cats in the Snake River in 1985 without a specification of river location. You would think there should be a lot of them out there.
Water temp. There is just not enough to have any recruitment. Those fish are for the most part gone. I am sure that oce and a while one could show up but I would not bet on it.
Out of that big main chute from the river that goes into the creek by the ponds.
That is really cool. What an unusual place to catch one. That isn't something that I would have expected.