I signed up and hope to complete the challenge this year, but I'm not entirely sure where would be best for each other than I know the yellowstones are in the raft river range. I was thinking Logan River for Bear River Cuts, pretty much anywhere for Bonneville, but no idea really for the Colorado River Cuts.
I'm not asking for anyone's honey hole locations but some general direction would be nice. Any help is much appreciated.
Current Creek Reservoir and its tributaries contain Colorado River cutthroat trout. If you're coming from the Wasatch Front, this would be a good location that is relatively close. Otherwise, Colorado Cutts are found in many lakes and streams across the south slope of the Uintas.
Any rivers east of Elizabeth Ridge on the north slope Uintas should hold Colorado River Cutt's.
Remember that in order to qualify the species must be from it's native watershed, as I understood it, which could be totally wrong...
[quote Troll]Remember that in order to qualify the species must be from it's native watershed, as I understood it, which could be totally wrong...[/quote]
That is correct. Transplanted Yellowstone Cutt populations do not qualify (as an example).
Good luck!!
If everything was close in proximity to me home I'd do it, but this would be more like a project to me!!
Information on the distribution of the four fish included in the slam can be found on utahcutthroatslam.org There are interactive maps showing the distribution and information on these native fish and ongoing restoration efforts.
Paul Birdsey
Coldwater Sportfish Coordinator
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Thanks for the info. Hopefully this program achieves its goals.