The road from I 80 to East canyon open yet??
And how full is it??
Route 65 usually doesn't open until I'd May. Water is low but rising.
The level is still down 31' from full pool but the water is rising at a rate of about 1 foot every three days.
The runoff is just barely starting so it should be in pretty good shape this year.
Thanks to all for the Info..
I hope all the lakes will got lots of water..
Hey Cliff, it's not like you have anything special to do on a daily basis, get in your car and drive up there to see what the situation is !! Being fully retired gives you a lot of extra time on your hands !!!
PS: I have been fully retired for almost a year now, it's great !!
We could meet at a spot on the way to East canyon, that is if your not to tired from work that is..[sly]
Let me know time and day..
Still trying to catch up with myself, plan on hitting EC in June. Have weddings to attend over the next two weeks, then a trip to Powell, plus a fence to repair and stain. EC will have to wait till June !!