Hey all, I know it's a pain to read down through posts to figure out what is going on, so let me give everyone an update... Flotilla is a go at Willard, we have had some generous contributors kick in to cover the cost so all can enjoy at Willard... Food is also a go, Jil has offered to put together some sloppy joe's, we will have a sign up sheet to have you either bring some of the supplies or else kick in $5 a head to help cover the cost of putting that together.. I'll have to add that later, I forgot to get it ready..
Anyway, if I get the permit in so we can get the pavilion all will be well... Thanks everyone, get your plans ready... Later J
Still planning on May 7th correct?
Yes that is correct.
I should be able to make it, sound like a good time.
+2 for us!
Wifey and I will be there to enjoy...
Sounds good, be great to finally meet you. J
Good deal, will look forward to seeing you there.. Hopefully the weather might even be okay... J
I'm in! See if I can't catch a winning catfish for the contest while im there!
Crap, looks like I am going to be out, have to work an OT shift on Saturday morning, I will pre-fish it on Fri. and give a report.
Good luck finding the big one and glad to have you coming. Be good to meet in person. See you then. Later J
Sorry to hear that, but will be good to have a warm up report. Good luck. J
My wife and I are planning on it. If it rains she will not show. I have some paper plates and plastic ware to bring. If for some reason I can't go I will get the supplies to you Jeff. Hope for sunshine that day.
Thanks Rod, hope we get to see both of you. Later J
Looks like the weather down south looking a little to nasty for my taste with 50% rain and 15 mph wind I might just see you guys up there if the weather doesn't change.
Sounds good just let us know so we have plenty of food. J