04-26-2016, 09:00 AM
Wind Wind Wind and More Wind ....started the day with a long run to a spot that i had caught a 6.7 on Thursday, we pull in and drop the trolling motor and maybe 10 minutes later I put a keeper in the boat on a square-bill.. we look at each other and think this is the spot. well we fish there for another 2 hours (stayed too long ) and noting but short fish Mike lost one on a top-water that was probably 3 or so.http://www.chattanoogafishingforum.com/images/emoticons/angel.gif While we were there a guy in a red bullet is behind us about 100 yards as we are headed to the back of the creek he starts up the motor and runs up in from of us to cut us off So instead of saying anything i continued to fish the bank i was on moving the direction i was moving until we are 20 feet apart . He never said anything , i think he knew exactly what he had done (or attempted to do ) So we decide to make another long run up past the towers, fish there for about 2 hours throwing plastics, spinner-baits, square-bills and top water....lots of fish but all short. make the final run back toward the dam and same story. We finished with 1 keeper not how we wanted to finish in our first CFF but it was fun and any day on the water is a good day..<br /><br />BTY: did anyone notice the wind blowing ????? that with the pleasure boaters the lake was rough<br /><br />thank you to the guys that put this on this was our first and definitely not our last CFF tx.