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Full Version: Ririe report 4/25
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I'm going to try and get this report in but I'm pretty stoned right now (more on that momentarily). My son has really wanted to do something with his overworked dad lately so after getting some grape vines planted we went up to blacktail to try for some perch. The boat storage docks and the swimming docks were inaccessible due to rising water levels. Fortunately bonneville county was pulling the docks in closer. It was pretty windy and muddy and we only got one perch once we accessed the docks. After a bit we moved to the docks at the boat ramp. Pretty soon we're catching fish. We're up to 8-10 perch in the 9-12" range when my son leaves the worm lid off and the wind grabs it. Fortunately the other ramp dock is down wind. I run over grab it and am running back when I note my rod is bouncing madly. I pick up the pace and as I get close my foot slips. I shift my weight to my other foot to compensate and quickly hear and feel a pop. I look down and my foot is turned far right, almost a little backwards. My son is by now reeling in my perch and telling me it's a good one. His vocabulary lesson quickly cues him in to bigger issues occurring. I send him running to get help from the guys working on the expansion project (should be nice. More boat ramps, retaining wall and additional parking). I then start scooting myself back up the dock. My so. Comes back but says he couldn't find anyone. I have him load the gear and fish into the car then run for help again. Pretty soon a couple guys from the work crew arrived as I reach the car. One of them drives me to the hospital in my car as I call my wife, my boss and the ER to warn them. Now I'm hooked up to a morphine PCA in the hospital awaiting surgery to fix three fractures in my lower leg just above the ankle. At least we had good fishing up to that point and my son stayed calm enough to do what needed to be done.
Dang! That's a bummer of a report. Sorry to hear you will be hurting for awhile.

God Bless and hope you heal quickly.
Wow! Sorry to hear about and see your leg. Glad your kid could find help.

Ugh. That's terrible news. I hope you heal rapidly.
Prayers sent for a quick recovery .
Sorry for your misfortune. Wish you the best in recovery. You'll certainly be in a cast for 2-3 months. Fishin just has to wait for a while.

Woah!! That looks nasty!!

Hope for a quick recovery. We hate to miss your great reports.
Ouch!!! That looks painful! Hopefully you atleast caught the fish that caused you to break your ankle lol
I know broken bones wont stop you from fishing. Was impressed to see you had posted fish pictures then saw the x-rays. Oweeeeee. Hope you get to feeling better.
Dang! Heal well. [Image: surprised.gif]