Fishing Forum

Full Version: lafae7, Conasauga river, Largemouth and Striped bass, 04/24/2016, Alone
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I went and tried another water I have never fished today. It felt good to fish the conasauga river.... It reminded me when I was little were I would walk a long ways just to fish the chickamauga creek. I decided to go ahead and post this hoping it would help someone. <br /><br />(Side note) I fished Carters lake a little yesterday evening and couldn't really get on a good spotted bass bite. I only caught a few ones there on grubs.... <br /><br />Anyways back to the conasauga. I started out throwing some trout magnets and didn't have a bite so I went with a white rooster tail and eureka! i caught several small largemouth bass and a few decent pound to 2 pound stripers. There was also someone else I ran into telling me that he was catching some on a white buck tail jig. All in all it was a great morning with lots of action in some pretty strong current.... Did I mention there was no wind emoSmile