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Was thinking of heading to Brownlee this Sunday for some bass, crappie, bluegill. Seems like they move every year and I spend days finding them. Anybody got some spots where they have been catching some slabs lately... I know where to find the bass there, it's just the crappie that are somewhere different every year.
8-9 inch Crappie have been pretty easy to find in the last 6-8 weeks or so. I went there every weekend for several weeks in a row. My last trip I brought home 42 (one days effort, culling the smaller ones).

Try around the cemetery, Morgan creek, and in between as well as the mouths of the other coves. Rock creek hasn't been too bad either.

I went to Cascade last weekend so things may have changed dramatically, but they were pretty much the same prior to that, so I doubt it will be a lot different, except that they may have moved up shallower in preparation for spawning. Many of the fish were running 20 feet deep in the mornings and moving deeper as the day progressed. Hopefully they'll move up to spawn soon.

If you are looking for fish bigger than that, I can't help you. Also, I can't help with the Bluegill or Bass. I have only caught a handful of Crappie over about 10 inches or so this year. Good luck. Let me know how you do please.