Fishing Forum

Full Version: Badbass Lures, Chick, Bass, 4/21/16, Me, myself, and I
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I finally am able to write a report, lol!!! I guess I just don't fish enough anymore, but I was able to get out yesterday to try to find some fish for the Fishing with a Soldier event I signed up for as a boater tomorrow. As other's have stated, the fish are in ALL phases of the spawn right now. I've found several fish actively guarding beds, but didn't concentrate on bedders. Most of the fish I caught were on flats or secondary points relating to spawning areas. I junk fished the first half of the day, but did the most damage on creature/beaver style baits and shallow cranks the second half. The majority of the bites I got came sub 6 feet of water, but every now and then one would hit 10-12 too just to keep me honest. Numbers and bites were not a problem, as buck bass are EVERYWHERE! I struggled a little bit on quality though. Lost two fish in the 4-5lb range on the way back to the boat.... One was my fault for a junk hook set, the other I have no idea what went wrong. Boated a decent fish around 4.5lbs later in the day, but most of the fish were lacking.... Had a lot of fun until the wind picked up in the afternoon and ran me off. Good luck to those fishing tomorrow!