
] Okay - so why don't Colorado fishermen post here. This seems like it ought to be a great central location to post helpful reports, information and questions. For an example of how helpful and fun this could be, check the Utah board on this site. A ton of terrific information and lots of really helpful folks. Let's see if we can get some interest? Anyone interested?
I dunno Don,I started on this board but have pretty much moved over to the Iceleaders forum-it seems everybody in colorado is on that forum.
Yeah, I know it's very active. It's funny how these things seem to cycle. There is almost nothing posted about Colorado these days on Walleye Central. In winters past, there have been lots of postings there (although not about walleyes). Well, I'm gonna keep trying here. Thanks for the response.
It seems You and I are in the same boat. From what I've seen it looks like I'm the only one from North Dakota on this site. But I'm going to be trying to change that fast. Some of the things That I'm doing/planning on doing is going to some of the more poplular nd fishing websites and mentioning this website and to drop in the nd message board. I plan to tell everyone that I know that fishes to come on to this website. And put some flyers up around town on bullition boards. The list could go on..
Good Luck
] Let me know how it goes

]Don't forget to post some local and statewide fishing info and reports. There are alwasy people lurking out there that read them but they just don't reply. We need to let them understand that this is a friendly website and no one is criticized for their posts.
We can all learn from each other in different ways. It is much easier if we all contribute.[cool][cool][cool]
Right on tubeN2![cool]
well the best way to get this board going is to keep doing what you are doing, and envite people you meet while fishing to visit here and to keep in touch.
keep up the good work...[cool]
Walleyecentral.com used to be a great place to get information on any species of fishing in Colorado. I used to post there all the time.
I think this board might pick up this summer.
Hi Eric-
I saw your "long" version of this post yesterday, but didn't have time to reply then. I wondered what had happened. Traffic (Colorado posts) seems to have ground almost to a halt.
Anyway, it's good to have you around and to hear from you. You going to get up to Flaming Gorge this year? I'm trying to getn there for ice fishing this weekend but don't know if it's going to happen. Still haven't broken 25lbs there but did get a 17 in October.
Take care.
I changed it cuz I sounded like a whiney little f$%#. I might go to Milford in Kansas this year. Hear they have huge wipers and just alot of fish to catch there. Of course, if I ever get the truck I want, then I will be able to get up in the mountains with my boat and I can spend a couple weeks at Blue Mesa. I've become addicted to Lake Trout since going to the Gorge. Pursuing 50lb. fish is what it's all about. [/reply]
hey Don if you check the utah board you will see a nice fish caught out of the gorge last weekend. I thought I would check out the colorado board because I was raised in colorado and am hoping to do some fishing that way this summer.
Yo Icefool-
I saw that picture. Great fish. I was hoping to get up there while there is still good ice, but that is looking less and less likely. If you're headed down this way this Summer and want advice or a partner, I'd be happy to help out!
Thanks for the invite. If I get out that way, I will let you know.
Look how many views you've been getting. I'm sure a lot of them are from out of state, but I'll bet there's alot that isn't. I like watching the Colorado board, I did a fair amout of fishing there over the last 4 years. Fishing on the Frying Pan was some of the best fishing I've ever done. I've also fished the Red Feather Lakes up north and the Arkansas River down south. It never really made any difference if I caught anything or not. Its just beautiful country. Al
Hey Eric-
Somehow I missed it when you made the earlier post about being addicted to pursuing 50 lb. lakers. Me Too!!! I can hardly wait for enough open water up there to go try to sore-mouth a few!