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Full Version: 2016 catfish contest Catcarsen
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We caught about 15 catfish today. My biggest catfish are 25 inches, 24 inches, and 23 inches. All of them were caught May 13 at Utah Lake.


[#00bf00]Nice job Carsen, way to make a one day statement... 25, 23 and 24 points... Later J[/#00bf00]
Glad to see grandpa got you in to them [Wink] and some more for the south.
Two 26 inch catfish caught June 6, 2016 at Utah lake.


[#00ff00]Nice Job Carsen, good for 26 and 26 points... J[/#00ff00]
Posted for CatCarsen by his g-pa. Caught today, June 14, at Lincoln Beach, 30 inches long. I have trained him well, the fish was released to add a few more inches and make more baby cats . Fishing from shore with carp meat.

[#00ff00]Nice job, good for 30 points.... Very nice... J[/#00ff00]
good job, nice cat[Smile]