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Full Version: I-15 conditions from layton to willard
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This is not about the current construction project....

Driving back and forth from Layton to Willard only takes about 20 mins, the problem is I don't like towing the boat even at the speed limits due to the extremely rough bridge transitions on that interstate. Does anyone know if they are going to do something about ur going along at freeway speeds and approach the bridge that passes over say 12th str and the transition onto the bridge is so dam rough u feel as though the boat is gonna be a gonner...thoughts?
Yup. Exit at 12th St, go east to Wall Ave and then north. Left where Wall meets Hwy 89/Harrisville Rd.

Do slow down going through Willard, just before the turn to the North Marina. The Willard cop is not as nasty as Mantua's, but he does write speeding tickets!
This has nothing to do with speeding I'm asking how many of u hate how crapy it is pulling ur boat or trailer over those bridge interchanges even at the posted speed limit...
And my answer had nothing to do with speeding, either - except to say watch out for the Willard cop.

I gave you a specific route to avoid the bridges on I-15. If all you wanted to hear was "Who hates bumpy roads" then the answer is "Everybody."
