First of all you people do not know what happens to the fish concerning Asians. I am Asian and have been part of this Utah Asian community my entire life. Born and bred in Utah for 36 years.
No you can not find white bass at Asian restaurants, if you find one let me know because they cook it deliciously. What you do find is sea bass which is traditionally served for special events.
Second of all not ALL Asian sell fish just like not ALL white people waste fish and come from a trailor park.
Asians keep many fish because they eat it for lunch/breakfast/dinner. Asians grew up on fish in their home countries due to the beef not being available to normal people only rich people would eat it. Most Asians bring cooked fish to the temples all around Utah to share with other temple members as all our traditions revolve around a prepared meal. (You have Asian friends the first they do is always try to feed you) so they do not sell the fish.
There maybe a small number of people who sell fish but the majority give them to family members who do not believe in killing living things. True Buddhist do not allow the killing of any living animal but they can eat it if someone else does crazy I know but that's the way it is.
I've been called a T
ie amongst other things but all the Asians I know which is probably 75% of them as I'm involved with multiple communities such as Loas/Cambodian/Vietnamese have VALID LICENSES!!!
I've always stood up for whats actually true even though they may be stereotypes but people on this thread are dead WRONG about how Asian harvest fish.
We do not even fillet the fish we cook them in soups/bbq/stir fry/ you name it while I see WHITE people filleting 10 LB fish and getting pieces that look like they came off of a 1 lbs. fish wasting a lot of meat.
What I will say is that I do see Asians taking more than the limits which is a problem and is true I admit but there are plenty others who obey the limits me and my family and friends included. BUT THE SELLING OF FISH IS FALSE. I see on the new mostly white people getting busted for meth use, does that mean I can say WHITE PEOPLE ARE ALL METH HEADS or do I take as a few bad apples in the bunch.
So let's get are facts straight before making generalizations.
The only question I have here is, where in the heck do people find 10 lb fish in this state? That's all I'm interested in!
hahaha yeah I saw the horrible filleting at powell with stripers but I see much of the same at Strawberry cleaning stations not to mention people taking cutthroats out of the slot limits.
I've caught only 1 ten pounder myself out of Utah lake and that was a cat of course.
Bang bang! Shots fired! Lol I don't know man I think most of those "asians" who take more than their limit are white people disguised as one. We all know white people in Utah have like 20 children and 4 wives and if you include their cousins and siblings that's probably over 100 mouths they have to feed in their compound! Haha!
There were few things I struggled with more in Korea than when fish was served for breakfast! [crazy]
Just a glimpse of the guidebook;
Quote:Strawberry Reservoir, Wasatch County
• Trout and salmon may not be filleted, and the heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit.
Shouldn't be seeing any filleting at Strawberry.
[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{{[/green][size 4][blue]⦇[/blue][/size][blue]°[/blue][#8000FF]>[/#8000FF]
Yup I print the DWR Fishing Guide Every year and keep it in my vehicle oh what a non Asian thing to do huh lol.
You will find people filleting fish at the cleaning station all day long, and yes the were all camo wearing white guys. I'm a camo wearing Asian but I like to go against the grain lol.
But it was out in the open and they weren't trying to hide it at all and when I made the comment that they all looked like cuts they went off saying they were rainbows and I didn't know what I was talking about.
Called DWR in the past but you know they are very undermanned and can't respond to every issue immediately right on the spot.
You print it? You can get free copies of it wherever licenses are sold. Or you could do what I do and keep a pdf of it on my phone, iPad, iPod, etc.
[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{{[/green][size 4][blue]⦇[/blue][/size][blue]°[/blue][#8000FF]>[/#8000FF]
I'm old school and have a folder that I keep all that stuff in along with all the lake information/maps that tubedude provides the forum. I did download the DWR app where license can be stored through the app so I'm making progress lol.
Let's go a little bit farther in our stereotype destruction. Asians aren't the only ones who eat fish for breakfast; the Brits love their morning kippers, and Scandinavians dote on herring. That's only two. Ever had trout and eggs? Fabulous.
Anyway, it isn't only one group, race, or ethnicity that breaks wildlife laws. Individuals do. Just as other individuals don't.
Hmm, I wonder how Pho' would taste made with walleye?!
pho would be awesome with walleye haven't tried that yet. most of the time it's in a curry style or chicken type stock soup with veggies and off course it all about that thai pepper sauce you dip the fish in.
Any fish can be dipped in this sauce and you will love it. Let a white guy try it once after we caught a channel cat and cooked it right in the fire after gutting of course at American fork harbor and he loved it until I told him what the sauce was made of. People don't realize every Asian food you eat contains fish sauce pretty much.
Thai pepper sauce:
Thai peppers- 1 whole one but its extremely hot.
sugar - pinch
lime - 2 whole squeezed
garlic - 2-3 cloves
fish sauce - don't know how much I never measure but enough to make the sauce light brown
cilantro - chopped up
[#0000FF]I applaud your head-on approach to this subject, from your own personal perspective. It has been a topic of discussion on these boards over the years.
As you so correctly point out, the violations and fish poaching are not isolated to any specific group or race. And the main reason the Asian contingent becomes the target of irate caucasian goobers is usually because serious Asian anglers are usually better fishermen...and they just plain catch more fish. Jealously is a bad motivator.
Like most on the board, I have witnessed a lot of heavy harvesting...and it is often among the Asian community. But I have friends and fishing buddies in this group and they have helped explain the reliance on fish protein in their diets. I have also been told of how in the "old countries" our new citizens had to be "subsistence" fishermen merely to survive. And some of that mentality is still present...especially among the older generations. Kinda like the old rednecks around us who still remember the depression days in our country and pinch every penny until it squeals.
I would like to think I have an open mind and that I am not bigoted...unlike some on the board. I do have friends from diverse groups and have enjoyed broadening my understandings of others. I will be the first to defend anyone...of any ethnicity or background...who is fishing legally and who keeps their legal limits. But I will also stomp on anyone I find violating regulations or trashing public property.
I heartily endorse keeping all the white bass you can catch from Utah long as the fish are properly cared for and are not wasted. But I do get a bit bothered whenever I see ANYBODY flagrantly keeping over limits of crappies, walleyes or wipers...or even trout. Some of our resources need protection and should not be raped just because someone is able to catch over limits during a narrow window of time each year.
Yep. Some of the worst offenses I have seen have been perpetrated by good old "Utards". This is especially true of trashing.
Man, I'm with you on that stereotyping Asians nonsense! I've known many Asians from various countries and they are no different than anyone else when it comes to obeying the law.
1- I've never seen one checked for a license that hasn't had one.
2- they love to fish just like the rest of us
3- and this is a big one to me....they don't waste fish!
Really bugs me to see fish wasted and people acting like keeping fish is a sign of lower class. I've really enjoyed my friendships with my Asian friends and can say that they are very happy, fun loving people with a great set of values when it comes to family, work, and education.
I come from Swedish grandparents and learned to love fish because I grew up on it from the time I was born. As a result I keep a lot of fish, eat a lot of fish, and mostly don't consider one fish more prestigious than another if it's fun to catch and I can find a way to make it taste good. I even keep carp and suckers for bait because I feel taking life for no reason is wrong. And have been known to cook them from time to time to experiment with ways to make them edible and tasty....and most of the time I can make them very edible and tasty!
Bottom line......if I see or hear inbreds bashing Asians for doing nothing more than enjoying MY favorite past time I will not be a part of it and will make sure that they understand fully how offensive they are!
Rant over, time to fish!
I wanted to thank everyone for your comments I respect all of you. Bottom line is we are all fisherman and based on my experience with people on this forum and at our lakes fisherman and fisherwoman in my eyes are some of the nicest/helpful people I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. My work life would be way more awesome and tolerable if I worked with the type of individuals on this forum.
Over harvesting does happen but the misconception of selling fish is what I found just not true as some of the comments I've seen over the years from some members.
Any true fisherman fishes legally and CLEANS up after themselves it's those few that ruin the lakes and rivers we all love.
To me it doesn't matter what race you are, if you litter and over harvest your just a crappy person and fisherman period no matter if you asian, white, spanish, or black. Good people in every race and crappy people in every race. I just hope the good ones always outnumber the bad as it is today.
I just wanted to get the air clear for some peoples misconception on whats really happening.
Printed?? Don't all you guys have the latest smart phones??
I want to thank you for the courage to STAND UP and set everyone straight. I would be honored to fish beside you any day.[fishin]
All to often people jump on the band wagon to criticize some thing without knowing any facts.
I heard it from my neighbors little brother so it must be true. We see this in many subjects, politics, fishing, Polar Bears, etc.. We can see just how shallow they are when they don't think for them selves.
Collect the facts, think for your selves, after learning about the cause listen to both sides of the issue and then get involved, don't just criticize.
Great discussion!!
[quote Jedidiah]Printed?? Don't all you guys have the latest smart phones??[/quote]
I always get printed copies to have on hand every year.
[quote RockyRaab]Let's go a little bit farther in our stereotype destruction. Asians aren't the only ones who eat fish for breakfast; the Brits love their morning kippers, and Scandinavians dote on herring. That's only two. Ever had trout and eggs? Fabulous.
I was down in South Africa in February and the Afrikaners had fish included in their breakfast buffet at the lodge we stayed at. Chicken wings too. I indulged, morning or not. I miss that place, I ate like a king on that trip [
Chasing Walleye, I appreciate your comments.
As long as a person is fishing within the law, I have no problem.
It's the people that know the laws and then use that knowledge to break the law that bothers me.
A few years ago, I would have agreed that most of violations that I witnessed was by Asian anglers.
Not so much any more.
I attribute this to education of the law.