Fishing Forum

Full Version: Smalliefan2, Nickajack, CFF # 6, Bass, 5/21/16, Dr. Detroit
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First one at the ramp this morning, empty, kinda wondered if we missed another ramp change. Others started arriving about 10 minutes later so all was good. Ran to a spot Mike knew by the dam, and had our first keeper in twenty minutes. Caught on a 1.5 KVD squarebill. Was just ticking the top of the weeks,tap tap, and the rod loaded. The skunk is out of the boat. Caught our second keeper on a Zoom worm, Green Gourd. Spent the rest of the day looking for number three. Worked shallow, deep, docks , laydowns, ran to Mullins Cove area. Had a couple of shorts, it was the light switch was off. With 10 minutes before running to the ramp, number three hit a Fat Free Shad in about 8 fow. That was a limit, at the wire. Weighted in 6.51, ended seventh or so. Congrats to Jerry and his partner on the win, and Leonard for " big" largemouth. Thanks to the committee for another well run event.