Thought I'd practice my Tenkara casting today up at Roberts gravel pond (aka. Jim Moore pond)..I hooked on to this little guy. Sure looks like a Walleye to me. It's dorsal fin when extended also looks like a Walleye. If it is, be interesting to know how it got in there..I can't find any record of F&G stocking them in there.
That's a perch. Rest easy Idaho [

After looking at this pic here from last year, I think you're right..the lack of coloring threw me's my understand that perch and walleye are related...side note..usually Roberts is busting from the seams with perch. Today, other then the one I caught, I didn't see a one...maybe the Tiger Trout are doing their job.
Looks like a Walleye to me.
I sent the picture to my fishing buddy and he thought the same...
I have never caught that small of one but I have caught plenty of bigger ones. Like I said looks like one to me.
Nice perch you got there. [

It doesn't have the perch barring yet, but the Orange fins give it away. Walleye have white/green fins and are more mottled rather than barred. Just Google walleye fingering.
Would be awesome if it were a walleye. Idaho needs more walleye waters.
Darn...I was hoping it was a walleye..guess I'll just have to head up to Ririe for that 😁
Baby eyes have teeth
Perch. I'm not sure cause I haven't seen one that small for awhile but I think even the little eyes have the little white patch on their lower tail.
I used to throw a cast a net to check bait fish- I have caught 1000's of baby perch- that sure doesn't have the coloration of any I caught.
I've have caught literally hundreds of perch in that pond..this is the first one that look like this. That was why I had posted this...maybe it was a mutant ..LoL
I think its a walleye but Dale brought up a good question, did it have teeth?
I also saw this while searching:
"Apr 29, 2015 - Jim Moore used to be called Roberts Gravel Pond. The fish are ... “We are hoping to use them to control perch at Jim Moore.” Garren ... Since they are new to the region, Garren said anglers will have a learning curve for catching them. ... In past years, biologists have captured walleye up to 26 inches long."
When I was younger, my uncle had a permit from the DWR to seine and sell minnows . He used to get them sometimes on the blue springs below Yuba reservoir. The springs fed into the Sevier River. This is definitely a walleye. we used to get a few in the net and release them
I still think it's a perch. Here's a picture of a similar sized walleye. Notice the teeth, and fin coloring. Other pictures I looked at, you can defiantly see a white tip on the tail.
OP picture doesn't have teeth. Looks too yellow. I have caught tiny perch with faint barring like the one posted
After reading that piece from the Statesman news paper, it looked like they had caught at least one big eye in that pond before but it would not let me read the whole article unless I subscribed to the paper, so since I can't confirm that there are eyes there, I'll bow out of this one. I'm sure you are right but that article had me wondering[:/].
Here is another article:
Post Register
Apr 29, 2015 - Jim Moore used to be called Roberts Gravel Pond. .... Biologists want anglers to kill illegally stocked walleye, which have established a small....
Fellas, that is 100% a yellow perch, definitely not a walleye. I am absolutely positive of that.
I believe Andy.
But I also agree it is a bit on the weird looking side for a perch.