Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, better, decent day, 5/26/16, Solo
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Was not sure if I was going to get to go today. Turns out I was able to make a mid morning out of it. emoThumbsup With the Memorial Day dog fight coming up if I don't find something better then what I have been on I might as well save the time and not go. emoRolleyes Went back to a deep bite and tried shakeys, cranks and blades, all worked. Had a better day then I have been having. Still did not hit the 20 lb mark but I was close. Would have had around 19 lbs with my best five. Boated several nice keepers. Mostly holding to edges and ledges. emoTongue They were chomping well while the sun was covered with clouds but when the sun broke out the shakey was the ticket. Mostly deeper bass, shallowest was about 10 feet and the deepest was around 25 feet. When they hit they hit well. A couple about took the rod out of my hands. Also had a keeper small mouth, I don't usually catch those.<br /><br />Water was still holding at the mid 70s and there was very little if any current. It was very calm and got hot. Now for any of you fishing this Monday in the Memorial Day dog fight I will tell you the best pattern was a magnum spoon, flipping docks with brush up past the Nuke plant around Ware Branch. emoEvil It was difficult to keep from hanging up but it was really good when you didn't. Honest, don't go telling everyone, keep that pattern between us. emoBigSmile <br /><br />I believe these are my best five. Took pictures today for those who say it is only a story without pictures.<br /> emoToast Jmax