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Full Version: Willard comedy (and some carp bowfishing)
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When I saw RockyRaab post. " None. I don't go drinking on New Year's Eve, and I don't go fishing on three-day weekends. Amateur Hour." It made me laugh! Well, I went to Willard to try and thin the carp population and this was the scene at the inlet!!! I'm sure this is what he was talking about! I did find a few carp for catfish bait though.
Its been like that for over a month now, every time I go to the South marina I see the lines of cars parked beside the road there, I guess its closer to walk from the road side, than park in the new parking lot across the street, that was put there for that purpose.
We were at that spot, where you got your carp in the pic and those carp were in there thick on Friday, maybe even a few shad were there as well.
Yup, that's pretty much what I meant. Now, I have nothing against folks who have to or choose to fish from shore - I have done a lot of it myself. And at Willard, where there are very few places where one can easily fish from the bank, crowding is to be expected.

But the crowding I truly dislike is from the "decibels must match the horsepower" hordes who believe quiet water is a sin. "Wake" the dead must be their motto as they as they make the biggest waves - sound and water - they can.
I guess I have just never stopped at that spot on the inlet and witnessed that mess, I as in awe! We found enough carp to keep us shooting and have a good time, sounds like we should have run up Friday too.