Fishing Forum

Full Version: Lost Creek Memorial Day
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The lake is nearly full. Trolled Rapalas and hardware on mono, lead, and down rigger. Fishing was slow. We managed to boat a few rainbows and one 18"ish cut. All were released except one rainbow that was too injured.
My wife and I was up there Sunday afternoon... we bank fished in the boat dock area..the first hour we had hits one right after another. then it stopped. not another hit in two hours. For those wondering the road in is worse than last year
The Road is Horrible!!
I too Trolled around till noon managed to catch 5 all released, nothing big, used dodger and squid set up.
Sorry no Pic. .... JUST another Fish story![Wink]
Thanks for the report. It's nice to see that the reservoir is almost full.

I sympathize with you folks who take a boat up there. That road is hard enough on a vehicle, let alone a boat on a trailer. Like I've said in the past, there is no reason to post a speed limit up there because of the poor road conditions.[Wink]

Morgan County road crews should be ashamed of themselves. Think about those poor folks that live up there.[frown]