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Full Version: Lincoln with the crew
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Finally got my full crew out today after a week of "school's out" parties and baseball games. We caught lots of cats but could not break the 26 inch mark. Boys caught 3 at 26 and I caught one. We lost two before we got a good look at them that were 36 and 37 inches.

One other boat out today after a crowded weekend. Great weather, water temp about 70 degrees, carp everywhere. Caught the cats on carp meat, a couple on white bass. Biggest 26 incher was a 9 pound pot-gut.

Still looking for admission to the 30 inch club.

BLK and crew
Nice job Lynn, looks like a great trip.... Good to see the posse' back on duty.... Tell the boys congrats on nice fish... What is up with the eye on that one fish??? Later J
[#0000FF]A fine lookin' crew ya got there, Captain.

Glad the boys got in some tugs.

Don't know what to tell you about the bigguns. My guess is that a lot of the prime spawners are finding love nests and taking care of business. After that they will probably start dining on the night shift.

Still some bigguns roaming around. Just not as many and a lot of them are full of carp caviar. Hard to "match the hatch" if that is what they want right now. How many carp eggs could you string on a 4/0 circle hook?

It'll happen amigo. As much time as you put in on UL, you will turn up a big one or three![Smile] I am sending ya a PM
Glad to see you got them all out there, sorry about Saturday, I found out I had other plans I didn't know about, made Sunday morning out to the island , all about the same size as you are finding, shooting for wed evening. you'll find the 30+ before long you just need to work on getting them in the boat before they jump off[Wink]
Thanks all -- Jeff I didn't even notice that marble eye on that cat?? Dunno, kinda odd lookin'. Probably the result of a brawl over some pearly-green 15 pound female.

Pat, you surely recognize the area we were fishing... just hoping that 29 1/2 incher you released might be recovered enough to be hungry again. The big ones are there and available... more so when they get sex off their minds. When the heat of the rut dies down they will be on the prowl for grub. Maybe then....

We will be after them again tomorrow... tough having to fish every day but I don't complain too much.[Wink]

Good times.

"We will be after them again tomorrow... tough having to fish every day but I don't complain too much."

[#0000FF]What a guy![/#0000FF]
Whey to go guys! Roll on south
Was there last night and got a few of those pesky 24 inchers out of the way for ya.