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Full Version: Fishing at Deer Creek (Wallsburg) Questions
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My family has fished Wallsburg many times but aside from one amazing day (five years ago we caught 17 rainbows) we've struck out. Do you guys have any tips on fishing that area? We use a boat most of the time but it always seems like the people on shore have better luck than us.

We've tried powerbait, surface lures, and spinners with minimal success. In our last 4 outings we've only caught two rainbows total and maybe had 4 total bites.

Any help would be appreciated.

On that 17 fish day I really think we just lucked into a passing school. It was 11 AM and we were just about to leave for the day after not even having a nibble.
First of all, welcome to the forum. You'll find this place has lots of nice folks with plenty of helpful information.

When I was going to school in Provo (more than 10 years ago) I fished DC at Wallsburg Bay quite frequently. I never caught many rainbows from the shore there. It was quite good for bass both large and small mouth. Occassionally there would be a perch or two in the mix. Most of the time if I fished Wallsburg I would pull into the dirt pullout on the west side of the bay and work my way north toward the campgrounds and day use area. I'd cast white or chartreuse split or curly tail grubs and either bounce or swim them parallel to shore. Most of the bass were in the 10-14 inch range, but occasionally I'd have some that could snap 6lb test if the drag wasn't set right.

As for trout, there is a special time of year that you can hit Wallsburg with a fly rod with an egg or scud pattern and catch 20+ inch trout after 20+ inch trout. However, most anglers are tight lipped about the time frame.
Do you do powerbait or a worm&marshmallow on a slipsinker rig? Try that if you haven't. The other thing is, move along the shore with a drop shot rig that has a worm on the hook with an inch, inch and a half or so flapping free from the hook. Once you get a bite, throw out some powerbait or a worm&marshmallow, kick back, and crack a beer.