06-13-2016, 09:00 AM
Haven&#39;t made a report in forever, mainly because I couldn&#39;t even catch a cold this winter or early spring.<br />Last few weeks have been better tho thankfully.<br /><br />Wife and I ran up to Harrison Bay for a bit this evening, from 6:30ish til 9. Wind was blowing a little when we got there, settled down after a few minutes.<br /><br />Stuck with a baby brush hog most of the afternoon, watermelon/red flake Texas rigged. Now guys, I don&#39;t brag alot about fish I catch, because honestly I am not out enough to catch alot. My 8th cast, this bass absolutely hammers my lure, violent strike and immediately starts pulling line. Darn near pulled the rod outta my hand, as my drag was waaaay off. I set the hook, and after a couple of good runs and jumps, got it to the rocks at the bank. I&#39;ve caught a 5lb-er before, and this girl was loads bigger. I don&#39;t have scales (yet), so I couldn&#39;t have weighed it, but if I had to guess, would say she had to be around 8lbs. That&#39;s huge for my small skill set. <br />Anyways, I couldn&#39;t have weighed her anyway because right at the rocks she jumped one more time and spit the hook. Uuuuuuuugggghhhh!!!!!! Seriously almost cried lol.<br /><br />Immediately threw back in, but she was long gone. Fished a while longer, caught a decent little smallie that was a fighter. Swapped to a shallow crank, then a small swimbait, moved to a few different bank spots, no dice. Moon came out and we went home. Even with the big one getting off, still a great evening fishing with my wife.<br /><br />Zoom baby brush hog, watermelon/red flake, Texas rigged with a 1/8oz watermelon bullet weight. 12lb seaguar fluoro, bps extreme spin cast on a mh-f Berkley Cherrywood.<br />