06-15-2016, 09:00 AM
It&#39;s been a very busy few weeks. It&#39;s hard to get off the water a day and catch up on all my Social Media Marketing efforts. But below is a screen grab of the most recent pictures in the Scenic City Fishing Photo Gallery. Our catfish bite stays solid, although the area(s) where we are finding fish are far different, at different times from previous years. We don&#39;t know if it&#39;s the winter flooding, the current drought, the massive supply of baitfish or what... but if we keep fishing, we keep finding them. The ongoing spawn slowed our &quot;big fish bite&quot; some, but we have still managed a few trophy-caliber cats lately. Here is video of one of the most recent: https://youtu.be/-v2qqezJnJE<br /><br />