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Full Version: Strawberry Surprise!
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Took out the new TriToon boat for the first time on the Berry. A fellow BFT'er gave me some suggestions on where to find some Kokanee. I went there first thing in the morning and was very surprised to find that the average water depth was around 45 feet. I was sure that there would not be any kokanee over that shallow of water. Well, surprise surprise. At about 9am the bite turned on and we had a blast. Caught a bunch of Kokanee, Cuts and Rainbows. What a fun day with a family that has never trolled for fish. We lost count of how many fish we caught. All I know is that I never got to sit down. I was busy baiting rigging and de-hooking fish all morning. Just one of those days.
Thanks for very kind, friendly board members who help many of us be better fishermen on the water.
Enjoy a couple of pics.
Nice Kokes! Great job
sounds like you've put their advice to work and you dialed in the right depth needed to find those nice kokes - nice job! Great family fun for sure....
Until the water warms up they are still in pretty shallow water, we caught quite a few of our kokes at the gorge last weekend in 40-50 feet of water.
Nice job. Was the family you took out the Wayne L. family?

Thanks for the report, Brian
Those were some nice kokanee, the wife and I are headed up this weekend for 4 days, Hopefully we can find some kokes to cook on the BBQ while we are there.
Sounds like a great trip. We are headed up this weekend, hope we have the same kind of luck
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Yes, that was Wayne Lemmons and Peggy Lemmons with their son Derrick, Chase and daughter Aubrey. They have never seen fishing like that.
Nice work!