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Full Version: 2jigs, Watts-Bar (TRIP FROM HELL!!!!!), Bass, 05/05/12, Donald Brooks
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<br /> We had a club tourney. out of City Park Sat. on Watts-Bar. I had pre-fished last Sat. & had 15.5Lbs-17Lbs on drops & ditches throwing drop shots & C-rigs, & some shaky headed lizards. Watermelon candy was the color they seemed to want. Baby brush hogs for the C-rigs.<br /> For starters I had dropped my cell phone in the lake & my wife had ordered me one off the net. Bad idea as I could not work it to set the alarm to get up & had trusted her to get me up!emoBang By the way I'm the Tourney committee chairman & am. responsible, (prob. another bad idea) for blast off's & keeping up with the scales.<br /> I'm to pick up my partner @ 4:30 Am. He calls & wakes me up @ 4:47 am. & here's where the day goes south!!!<br /> We get to Ten Mile TN. & the battery light comes on. A few miles later, (with no cell phone coverage) my truck DIES!!!<br /> After taking one of the HEAVY trolling batteries out of the boat & boosting the truck off ( in what looked like tornado conditions & rain). We had the nicest man & lady jump us off. Backed in a cow field & turned around & the truck dies again! emoBang They were nice enough to jump us off again & we made it up to the next little country store where the volt meter was down to 9 amps!!! emoBang emoBang emoBang Now we're already late & stranded in Ten Mile TN.<br /> While getting the jump a Very nice man comes over & tells us he has to run home. ask us where we were headed & tells us he would come up about 10-15 miles (one way) to make sure we made it OK. In the mean time I had gotten my Bass club phone list out of the boat in the little plastic holder & left it on the back of the boat. I saw it blow off & told my Donald to remind me to get it on the way back. Lol Yeah right! We get 1-2 miles from the ramp to 58 bridge in Kingston & the truck is about to die again!!!emoBang What a day!<br /> I get out open the hood & get the cables & stand if front of the truck hoping for one more kind sole. not two min. later a man in a big truck (with a 24 volt diesel charging system on his truck) stops, backs up on the bridge (on the shoulder & turns around & gives us a boost Again! Absolutely the nicest people in the word!!! <br /> He follows us to the ramp I back in & the truck dies again on the ramp. He gives me another boost & I park the truck with the boat in the water. <br /> About that time here comes the man from the store WITH MY PLASTIC HOLDER & PHONE LIST!!! empanel empanel empanel <br /> We fished the areas I had fished the week before with no current or luck & ended up in last place. Two 14.5 bass & a drum on a 3/8 oz. white Boyah blade.<br /> We finished the tourney in last place, with no keepers & 3 points extra from everyone else.<br /> Now I still have to go 15 miles to O'Reilly's Auto parts (with the very gracious & understanding help of Jon Cruver, (who took off the alternator & stayed with the boats), Glen Scott (who helped take my boat less trailer off my truck, drove home got his tools & came all the way back) & Doug Mims who took his boat off his truck & drove me to O'Reilly's to get the replacement (6 MONTH old alternator) By the way they tried to charge me $80.00 more because they didn't have the 1 year warranty part in, only the life time. So I Jew him down to $17.63!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all for all the help & remember what comes around, goes around!<br /> WHAT A FISHING TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!