Now I've caught millions of brook trout, but today I got one that looks totally different than what I am used to. This is indeed a brookie right? I'm not sure what else it could be.
Woops forgot to attach pic. Here it is.
Kind of looks like a splake but likely a brooky.
Here is a pic of a Brook trout and one of a Splake.
Just another pretty Brook Trout.
Yep, pretty little Brook trout! They come in various Shades and colors. Similar to how brown trout can be almost silver in color or dark yellow to Brown....
Looks like a brookie to me. Certainly fun to catch and lots of color. Hope you caught a good batch.
Def a brook. Splake will have atleast a little fork in the tail. If it was Idaho I would say 100% brook since they don't do the splake thing and there aren't many places that the macks and brooks overlap up there for it to naturally occur.