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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, CBA report July, Bass, 7/9/16, Derek
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Use to be if you had over 20 pounds on the Chick in July you might win the tournament or at least place. Not any more. emoBawl Today Derek and I had one of our better days catching around 40 bass with at least three limits of keepers. Issue was as has been this year you better have a big kicker to win, we did not have a big kicker and needed it bad. Derek had me four to one in the well early but before the day would end I culled every one of them. Had a five, a couple fours and our smallest was a 3.58 pounder in the well. On the CBA scales they went 20.99 lbs. I finally showed up for one of these CBAs but so did a bunch of other folks. emoBooHoo They paid 12 places and we were 14th I believe. Got a $75 gift certificate for our efforts. Hard to believe that 20.99 lbs in July would just get an "At a boy". emoCrazy <br /><br />On a positive not we had a great time. Caught bass most of the day. Never hit one place where we did not boat a couple. Not one stop. The three baits we had our success on was a shakey, deep crank and a swim bait. The bigger bass came from 15 to 25 foot. A lot of the smaller keepers and shorts were shallow in and along the grass. It was mostly overcast today with a decent breeze so the heat was not as bad as it could have been. Had to really work with our fish all day in the well. That is one issue I don't like this time of year, keeping them in a live well that long. Lots of struggling stressed out bass. Sad They were doing a great job of fizzing and working with them at the weigh in. I have said it before but I am going to say it again, I wished we could cut these day hot months down to less hours then 10. That is a long time to have fish in a live well when it is this hot.<br /><br />It took somewhere around 25 and a half pounds to win this one. Congrats to all those who got a check. emoWorthy Jmax