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Full Version: Is the Zoom Trick Worm supposed to float?
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I purchased some Zoom Trick Worms that I through were supposed to float. I put one in a sink filled with water and the worm sank easily.

From the info I can find, these things are supposed to float. Even be able to support a worm hook. What gives?

Answering my own question.

I posted the question to people on Amazon who have purchased the Zoom Trick worms.

The worms don't float!

While they are said to float, I gather that what is meant is that if rigged with a jig head that sinks fast, the tail of the worm stick up for a short time.

There supposedly are some worms that float, but I haven't researched enough yet.

Some Z-Man Elastech plastics.

Some Strike King plastics.

Perhaps all of Hag's Tornado Bait.

Thanks [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=wiperhunter2"]wiperhunter2[/url],

More of an arsenal of floating worms.
It does not float.