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Full Version: How do I finish the last hook in tandem snelled hooks?
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I want to tie 2 or 3 hooks in tandem for plastic worm rigs using braid line. I've been watching videos on how to snell hooks in tandem but, none of the videos show how to finish the last tied hook. They just leave a long tag end sticking out, to be used as a leader I think. But, I want the last hook tied to be finished off and secure on its own.

The videos I've seen basically just snell a hook by putting the line through the eye and then wrapping the line back down the shank about 8 times. Then back up through the eye. The long tag end is used to tie the next hook in tandem in the same manner.

But, the last hook in tandem is never really finished off in any way. How do I do this?

If it's too difficult to explain with words, perhaps point me to a video or animation.

Thank you,
I'll give a little more info I guess.

The reason I found the snell knot is that I could control the distance between the hooks.

If a different knot that I could control the hook distance would work, that's fine. Just not too complicated.

Or, maybe the first hook/hooks could be done with the snell knot, and the last hook could be done with a different knot.
There are several methods but this is the one I like the best:

You can add as many hooks as you like by using this method, this video shows it for this certain type of hook but it will also work great for snelled hooks. Notice the tag end is short.
Thanks [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=wiperhunter2"][/url]wiperhunter2[/url],

I'm trying to tie 'rigs.' Two or three hook rigs that I can just put in my tackle box and pull out as I need them. Mainly for different plastic worm rigs.

I've seen that video and a few more on how to snell hooks. They all start out by tying the last hook in line, then the next one up and so on. They all leave the last hook that is tied unsecured. If the tag end were cut short, the snell knot could just unravel.

I'm a bit busy right now, but I will 'try' to draw a picture of what I'm looking for and upload it.
No, it won't come unraveled because you tie them from the bottom up, not from the top down like this method shows:
Hello [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=wiperhunter2"]wiperhunter2[/url]

Looks like you are right. If I tie 3 hooks in tandem and cinch them up very tight before cutting the tag end short, I can't pull the hooks apart.

In one of my rig configurations I want the last hook tied to be turned in the opposite direction from the others. With a slight modification to the normal snell tie, that hook will hold also.
