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I hit Lincoln last night for a little shore fishing for cats. Got there about dark and fished until 12-ish. The skeeters were B-A-D but I was ready for 'em with double-holstered cans of OFF. I slathered up everywhere I had exposed hide plus all my clothes. They swarmed me but the OFF repelled and the only penetration they made was through the bottom of the nylon mesh chair seat I used. I took two direct hits in the butt -- probably the only two Zika carriers on the lake.

I was enjoying the night time view of all the city lights off to the east and picking up an occasional cat on the carp meat I was using. All was well until I heard something under my chair that sounded like a grizzly bear... Mr. mink was after my slabs of carp meat and he was willing to fight me for it. I swatted at him with my hat and he backed off but came at me again from another direction. It is not easy to see a mink in the dark so I had to turn on my head lamp. He still wanted to fight me for the carp meat so I swatted at him with my third pole I keep handy for rotation. I missed him but did manage to shatter the bobber on my pole. Lots of thrown rocks and a little rough language later and he finally moved on down the shore.

The catfish were biting well enough to keep me busy with two poles. I caught about eight cats -- all in the 22-24 inch range and lost one 36 incher that managed to find the big rocks and break off. There were smaller fish surface slurping and I suspected they were wb. I tried a crawler 18 inches under a bobber but only caught cats on it. Lots of carp around too but no trouble with them.

Good night fishing but tough to cover up your carcass with a long sleeve shirt and hoodie for skeeter protection when the temp is still in the 90s. Can't wait for cooler weather to get here. Other than the twin hazards of aggressive mink and skeeters it was a good night of fishing.

hahahahahahah.....................that was hilarious !! [Image: happy.gif]

Glad you got back to the water if not actually on it, sorry about the posterior skeeter bites....[Image: bobwink.gif] [laugh]
Yup! The ONLY possible reply to the skeeters bites is...

Butt! Butt!
Playing with Pats mink are ya? Nice report.[cool]
Glad to hear the fish are still alive oh and the mink and skeeters too[fishon]
[#0000FF]Some people's kids! Supposed to be fishing and all you wanna do is feed the wildlife.

Those mink are ferocious are most members of the weasel family. Glad you escaped with only a busted bobber. I have heard tales of much worse attacks.

The skeeters are only one (million) of the reasons I don't go night fishing much any more. That and my inability to stay awake long enough.

Glad you had enough (fish) action to keep you awake. Not like the algae meeting, huh?
Being a retired state Worker I would have figured you would have figured out to Cover Your A_ _. 😂
Hey, I thought I had everything covered, I just didn't expect a rear end attack.[Wink]

When are you going out again? I think the cats are recovering nicely from their toxic environment and they are looking for grub. I plan to launch my aluminum tub soon to see if it floats. Looking forward to a couple of night shifts during the full moon on the 19th. I don't believe all is lost from the bloom. I have been out every-other-day and I have not seen any dead fish. I know for sure that the carp are doing just fine... hopefully the cats too.

See you on the water.

Nice report Lynn, man that could be scary to have a mink after you in the dark... Bad enough to hear scary noises let alone having to fend off a bait monster in the dark... Glad he didn't get a hold of you... Later J
I would like to go out tomorrow night and fish until sunup on Friday. The wind will be the deciding factor. Every weather report tells a different story. My little puddle jumper can stand much of a wave. I would hate to ho down in the swamp!
I have a tough time pulling all nighters anymore, but going till 2:00 that's almost doable. Good luck. J