08-04-2016, 09:00 AM
CFF #10 started off a little better then the last couple this time. Bob and I had a limit in the first fifteen min this time. Bob catches a good fish on the second cast , and we a limit in our first stop. Slowed up dramaticly after that caught four more keepers after that. Kept throwin big spinnerbait after we got a limit lookin for a big bite and finally got it about 1 oclock one the 8.42 toad crushed my spinnerbait. Had a few more short hits there on it but never caught another fish after that . We had 16.22 enough for the win and big fish at 8.42 seems like we either have a bunch or nothing at all this year no consistancy. Just thankful we had enough this time never know if you have enough at night twenty pound three fish limits can pop you at any time. Congrats to all in money.