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Full Version: States with the safest drivers
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Believe it or not Utah is the 12th from the top of the most safe drivers:

How did our neighboring states do, well Idaho was one of the worst at 19th from the top of the worse drivers:
Wyoming was 4th from the top of worst drivers:
Nevada was 21st from the top of best drivers:
Colorado was 18th from the top of best drivers:

Hard to believe but those are the facts.

I've driven in almost every state and can say without reservation that Utah drivers are the absolutely most brain dead in the U.S. Courtesy isn't lacking here with the exception of those JERKS that continue to left turn long after the red light. By brain dead, I'm referring to those idiots that continue blasting along above the speed limit even when there's a mass of flashing light ahead, then, all of a sudden "omygawd and slam on the brakes. Meanwhile the rest of the mindless asses keep going along until ultimately one of them can't stop in time. I've driven cars for a local auto auction for several years and have witnessed what I'm talking about countless times.

Now I've had my rant, awaiting rebuttal.
I didn't read the links that Curt posted, where was California on that list. I would bet more to the safe driver side than the bad driver side. Grew up in SoCal, learned to drive there. Have driven in most of the U.S. lower 48, have driven in the UK for 6 years on the "wrong" side of the road, have driven in most everything from sand storms, white-out blizzards, and 100 mph cross winds. Was even a CDL driver in the south east for awhile. And I must agree with GEEZER.