08-10-2016, 09:00 AM
Did not have a whole lot of work today. I was done by 10:00 so I decided to go wet a hook. Had to stop and get some oil on the way so by the time I got to the water it was already 11:00. Got a little hot today but with the slight breeze and the clouds passing through it was tolerable. <br /><br />Since I lost two big fish on Friday night I had about decided I had forgotten how to get the big ones in the boat. This year also has been a struggle for me in the CBAs as well loosing more big bass then I want to discuss. emoCrazy Thought I would give it another shot today and see if I could hook up again with a kicker. I really did not think it would happen but more of a wishful thinking.<br /><br />Found some fish in jumps and caught a few doing that. Issue was they were running small. It looked like to me the shad they were chasing were only a inch to two inches long. With that said I switched over to a jig and a shakey going deep along drops out in the 20 to 25 foot depth. I don&#39;t like fishing that deep but a guy has to do whatever it takes. Boated a couple decent keepers but none bigger then one just over three. Hit several other places and again not much and mostly small. It had really gotten hot and was about 4:00. Thought I would make just a few more casts and call it a day. Felt one load up on it and set the hook. OH BOY!!!! Another big one! emoDance Backed off my drag and she came up. Looked ever bit of 10 lbs when she jumped twice but she stayed on and all went as planned. I did not even have the net out so I had to lip her. Really a nice one. Put her on my scales and she was 8 lbs and 1 oz. Kind of funny when you think about it. Caught an 8 lb 1 oz bass on 8/1/16. What are the chances of that? emoBig
Decided I had had enough and headed home. That is the first bass this year that I have got in the boat over eight pounds. emoTongue Jmax<br /><br /> Here she is.....