08-29-2016, 09:00 AM
What an awesome morning on the water. It rained a lot more than i thought it was going to, but we still had a great time. I showed Lori what Rogne taugh me earlier this week and we put it to work. I caught one pretty quickly about 2lbs. Then caught another one that was 3.86 on my scale. Well it wasnt long before she had to show me up with this 8.88lb monster, which is her new personal best. Blowing her old PB of 3.48lbs out of the water. That made both our days! Made me so happy to see her catch that bass. Caught a few more small keepers & short fish here & there. Only fished about 3 hours, but our best 3 fish today would have been about 14lbs. Caught fish in 5-15fow.