08-30-2016, 09:00 AM
This is when it really gets fun to me. I think I strive on competition. It sure ain't the money. emoLaugh Bass fishing is one big giant money pit. But oh! What a fun money pit it can be to fall in to. Work all week has been slow for me. I thought it might pick up with school starting and homes now empty of students who went back to school. emoConfused I know break ins pick up when this occurs. It just has not happened yet. Anyone interested in a alarm take over or quote please give me a shout, my number is in the corner of this forum on the Action Alarms ad.(plug, plug emoBig
)<br /><br />With the CFF night tournament tomorrow evening I thought about not messing up my chances and soar mouthing a couple but since the bass seem to be so much on the move I decided that any I caught would probably be long gone by Friday night. There is just something about a big bass blowing up on top water! If you are an angler and don&#39;t get excited about that then check your pulse, you are dead. emoTongue That will keep someone coming back again and again. Still are not finding them in the grass but they are moving to it. Edges, drops and ledges were the ticket of the day again. I boated about 10 keepers and about that many shorts. Not bad considering I got two kickers in the boat. emoDance I lost one other that was able to pull off before I could get to it.<br /><br />I am really lost on what to start with. Do I go shallow for the schooler bass and top water stuff or do I stick to a deep bite and try my luck for the big girls that may or may not have moved up yet. Grass is looking great in most places. Some mats seem totally dead while others are consistent about having bait and bass around them and on the edges. If the weather man is right and it rains tomorrow day and stops tomorrow night with a full moon the top water night bass bite may very well be on in force. emoApplause I sure hope so.<br /><br />But the ol&#39; stand by worm along the edges of the grass and along drops is almost about as dependable as any bait I know of. Bill Dance once said if he had just one bait to use it would have to be the worm. He is right. emoThumbsup But then again, you also have a C-rig, spinner bait and cranks to think about. What to do, what to do? I may not know what I am going to do to start with until we are blasting off. I feel my mind will be made up depending on the weather. We got three inches of rain at my home yesterday. emoEek I saw it coming at the lake and high tailed it outta there before it hit. Barely got everything up and put away. All that rain may also change the approach, it could move the bass up even faster. emoGeezer The lake is on the rise and has gone up four or five inches.<br /><br />I look forward to seeing all who plan to fish tomorrow. Should be interesting. Who will figure them out? Who will have the kicker or the three good bites to take it? We will know Saturday morning about 2:15 a.m. emoGoofy <br /><br />My best five yesterday was 6/2, 5/5, 3/4, 2/10 and 2/8. I would take 14/11 in a heartbeat for my best three tomorrow. emoThumbsup Best five 19/13 ain&#39;t too shabby either. emoToast Here are my two big ones for the pics of the trip.<br /><br />See ya out there! emoAngler Jmax