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Full Version: Kokanee question for the pros
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Never fished for Kokes and want to give it a try at E lake since I will be up there this weekend. Any advice for a begginer?
I don't know anything about E lake
If you have downriggers
just google how to catch Kokanee You tube,; you can learn every thing you need

but catching Kokanee is coming to a years end.
I do have down riggers and I will take a look at it thanks Smile
If you plan on fishing Electric Lake don't try to launch a very big boat. I went Saturday and couldn't launch my boat and it's just a 16 footer. They have concrete blocks out into the res. and the boat dock is well out of the water. You could launch a small boat last week but I don't know about this week.
As far as kokes are concerned; they are up in the 5' to 20' range and much deeper later on. Downriggers are a must in my opinion.
[signature] Click on Tricks of the Trade on top of page.
[quote MR.PIKE]

If you plan on fishing Electric Lake don't try to launch a very big boat. I went Saturday and couldn't launch my boat and it's just a 16 footer. They have concrete blocks out into the res. and the boat dock is well out of the water.


I have never seen a boat dock in Electric Lake. Are you talking about Electric Lake at the top of Fairview Canyon?
The only ramp I am familiar with is on the north end (the opposite end from the dam). Where you have seen a boat dock?
I have a 16ft fiberglass boat I launched it with no problems 2 weeks ago. Only boat ramp I know is the one on the way to Scofield side. I am hoping to take my boat out there .
Ramp, not dock. My bad. Ocean the water has dropped at least 15' not 15". I couldn't believe it myself.
That sucks really wanted to get on the water not many waters left that you can launch a heavy boat [Sad] Still going but going to have to fish from the shore.